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Writing Review Report

While writing report please consider that the authors are most likely to have put enormous efforts and resources in conducting research as well as in writing the manuscript. Therefore, report should be critical but constructive and avoid using offensive and discouraging language. In most cases reviewer’s a report is conveyed to the authors. However, in rare case, if we feel that a reviewer has used unfair language or have revealed any confidential information, we may appropriately edit such report. There is a standard form for writing your report.

You may complete the standard form and send it to the Editor-in-Chief by email. While making a judgment on a manuscript we ask you to consider the following points:

  • Introduction: Does it provide appropriate basis for the study?
  • Originality: Is the work original and novel? If not why?
  • Interest: Is the work of general or specialized interest?
  • Research question: Is the research question clearly defined and answered?
  • Abstract: Does it correctly summarize the study?
  • Design: Is the study adequately designed to answer the research question?
  • Methods: Are methodological details sufficient? Is any of the statistical analysis presented appropriate and sound? Are any additional statistical tests needed?
  • Results: Are these logically presented and answer the research question?
  • Discussion: Is the literature, current, appropriately and fairly cited? Are the result clearly and justifiably discussed in the light of published literature?
  • Conclusions: Are the claims and inferences drawn from study justified and convincing or do they need further evidence? Please explain. Should the authors have drawn any additional conclusions from the data inferred?
  • References: Are they up to date and relevant? Has any relevant reference been omitted?
  • Overall readability: Is the manuscript clearly and concisely written? If not how could it be improved? Could it be shortened?